Boholy János

The Globe-chess game. (a complete story)

The basic idea of this game came into my mind when I was 13. It was clear to me that the 8x8 playing field – and its edges and corners – are limiting my game. That is why I have chosen a solution which is not limiting the movement of the figures. An infinite movement – annular movement – can be achieved only on a sphere. Back than I already knew that the classical chess-board can not be changed. Only years later, I got information about several types of 2-dimensional chess boards. I have continued the development of my idea and using a simple globe I have examined the movement routes of the figures. When I was sure about my idea, I started the patent procedure. The sphere is made of pressed steel-plate; the figures are attached with a magnet. The stand allows the turning of the globe, the player on the move can do this.

The patent protection concerns the 3D sphere shape, where the pieces have an infinite moving space (on infinite 64+2 squares) in all directions (apart from the pawns, they are changed on the last square) and they can stop anywhere on the annular route. Including the upper and lower polar squares. The polar squares were needed in order to keep the continuity of the dark- light- dark - light colour change. E.g. when the a1 square is dark, than the e1 square – lying on the opposite side of the sphere - is also dark, thus I needed a neutral polar square (X) between the two dark squares. The b1 square is light, so the f1 is also light, between them, there is the X neutral field, etc. There can be no same colour squares beside each other. So the polar squares secure the continuity of colour-change in all directions! Furthermore, the a file has an opposite – the e file, and b-f, c-g, d-h.

Of course, the light player has 8 ranks and 8 pawns, as well as the dark player has 8 ranks and 8 pawns. The light figures are on the 1st and 2nd annular ranks, the dark figures are on the 7th and 8th annular ranks. At the starting position – in whichever variation – the kings are never under attack, because the opponent’s figures are always around the other polar square. This is only possible, because the figures are in a ring formation, thus there is no empty route, where the opponent can capture already at the beginning. The 2nd annular rank is closed down by the light, the 7th rank by the dark pawns. This way they protect the pieces from attack at the starting position. In relation to the light player, the position of the dark pieces on the starting square (e.g. in an asymmetric opening) is irrelevant.
The rules of the classic game are strictly abided both in the simple and in the optimal version, the FIDE rules can be used even with the unlimited movement of the figures. The ultimate version, the asymmetrical simple version, the asymmetrical optimal version and the asymmetrical ultimate version need an expansion of the rules. This is the cost of development. These new possibilities (and more) are granted by the sphere surface.
A curiosity: the ultimate version and the asymmetrical ultimate version allow the light and the dark player to move on the polar square right at the first move. E.g. 1. Ra1-X …., 1. Nb1-X …, 1. Bc1-X …, 1.Qd1-X …, 1. Ke1-X …, 1. Bf1-X …, 1. Ng1-X …, or 1. Rh1-X …!
The moving of the bishop onto the polar square is a long-term efficient strategy, because later it can start an attack on any of the free diagonals – on any colour. The moving of the queen or the rook on the polar square defends the moving pawns and minor pieces on the free routes. At the same time they can be also used for attack. The bishop, the queen and the rook (placed on the polar square) can defend all figures around it. The forward moving figures get central protection from their rear. In a difficult situation, the knight on the polar square can secure a heavy defence, because it defends every square on the 1st and 2ns rank.
Furthermore, the castle possibilities are also expanded, etc.

The brief history of the 3D chess:
The first patent was protected on the ÚRAD PRO VYNÁLEZY A OBJEVY - PRAHA under the number 30. 04. 1987, (Globe-chess) Šachovnica.
On the autumn of 1990 I have informed the Czechoslovakian Chess Association in Prague about the patent. František Pithart, an international master, has introduced this innovation to the domestic players on the pages of the association’s magazine (Československý šach). On the summer of 1991 I have introduced the Globe-chess on the Gemer Open (in Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia) international chess-tournament. At this point I was sure, that there can be no proper promotion without the adequate theory. As a result of 10 years of research, development and strict controlling I was able to publish the theory in a book.

The first presentation of the Globe-chess and the 1st edition of my book was held in Hungary (22.08.2001 in Eger) on the Agria Fair exposition. Result: a plaque for the high-quality presentation of the 3D chess on the fair.

19.02.2002 in Lakitelek, Hungary (on the 7th world meeting of chess-playing Hungarians), the Széchényi István chess-club (Seres László secretary, Marosi Tibor chairman) has given a declaration of appreciation of the 3D Globe-chess. With the help of the Kecskemét Chess-club I was able to introduce the Globe-chess and the 2nd, amended edition of my book on an international tournament (Lakitelek Open).

15.08.2003 Lakitelek (on the 8th world meeting of chess-playing Hungarians) . I held a lecture on the possibilities of the 3D chess – signing of the 3rd, amended edition of my book.

14-16.09.2003 Rožňava, Slovakia – Gemer Expo Fair – the introduction of the Globe-chess and of the 1st Slovak-language edition of the book. Appreciation from the media (reports about the 3D chess in several TV stations - TV, TV Markíza, TV JOJ, MTV I. Kárpáti Krónika, etc.).

29.04-01.05.2004 – Putnok, Hungary, Gömör Expo Fair, appreciation of the press (Gemerské zvesti, Gömöri hírlap, Új szó, Blikk, etc.).

01-05.05.2004 Budapest, Hungary, Genius-Europe international invention fair, appreciation of the innovative solution of a problem. „Ökocentrum” award and diploma (, reports in the local TV.

22.05.2004 Budapest, Hungary, Physical Education College. On the invitation of Peter Hardicsai international master and chess-instructor, I held a lecture about the development of modern chess-play. Appreciations of the chess-masters.

28.05.2004 Budapest, Hungary – Ökocentrum. Consultations with Laszlo Polgár master-trainer and Judit Polgár grand-master about the possibilities of the 3D chess.

23-25.09.2004 Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia, Gemer Expo fair, appreciations for the 3D chess (report on the Slovak Radio)

24.09.2004 Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia – Gemer chess tournament – consultations with László Polgári Slovak chess-master about the 3D chess. Report on the Új Szó national daily paper.
11.01-28.02.2005 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, Scientific Games exposition, under the patronage of the Slovak Patent Office. The Globe-chess is the favourite of the exposition, appreciation of Beáta Puobišová – employee of the office. Report in the Banská Bystrica local TV.

31.02.2005 Report in the Slovak national TV about the 3D chess.

07-28.02.2005 Reports in the Slovak national press: Život, Sme, Novohradské Noviny. Új Szó.

14.02.2005 Czech Republic, report in the Právo newspaper.

20.05.2005 Slovakia, report in the Plus 7 Dní magazine.

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